It’s been a bumpy ride these past 10 days since finishing “Lost”. Don’t get me wrong, the reaction to said diorama has been phenomenal… it’s just… well… I have to live up to that standard now in my next one.
A challenge; nevertheless, one that I have accepted with open arms.
So, to begin again… I deliberated for a while about which route to take. It’s all too easy to up and say, “I am making another diorama like ‘Lost'” … and one day I will. In fact, I have already begun planning to make it part of a trilogy. The “Ominous-Unknown Trilogy” – three different dioramas, all presenting a certain ominous unknown. “Lost” was the first, two more shall follow. Watch this space.
Alas, for my next diorama I have decided to go in the opposite direction – at least for now. Admittedly, it’s painful to leave behind such ominousness, if only for the delicious bi-product of it allowing the audience to make up most of what happens next themselves…
It’s here, though, that I remind myself of one of my rules in both life and filmmaking: to never repeat myself (excluding common regularities of course i.e. someone who didn’t hear what I just said…)
So, with that in mind, I’m going in for a bigger set-piece. It won’t be as ominous, sure… but it certainly won’t lack narrative – that much I can assure you. The working title is RECOVERY and here is it’s base: