Not bad, just rusty

Quick update

Life got in the way recently, which means little has progressed with the diorama. Here’s what I did get up to though: Here’s the completed fire escape. I added handrails and some styrene to take away from the inherent flatness of photo etched kits.

by Craig on February 18, 2017, filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

How to make 1/35 sach windows

Making scale windows from scratch is a task that even the most enthusiastic modellers loath – especially when you have to build a bunch of them. It’s fiddly, long and requires lots of precision. Making windows in a jig, then, transforms the process into an enjoyable one.  Here’s mine: This is all based on Ken […]

by Craig on February 4, 2017, filed: How to's, OUT OF HOURS (wip)

Apartment: Part Two

More progress with the apartment building yesterday.   I’ve still got a lot to do on it. I have to build and fix the fire escape, add filler for mortar, make the smaller service shutter, fill the gaps, make an extractor fan, add the cabling, paint it, graffifi it and finally weather it. Of course, this […]

by Craig on , filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

Apartment: Part One

Got a lot done on Friday. I finished, apart from some filling and painting, the front of the apartment block. It will later be super-detailed with things like exposed cabling and waste pipes and then weathered to finish. The brick molds from Diorama Debris have come out well. They are somewhat tricky to work with […]

by Craig on January 29, 2017, filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

Through a window

Over the past few days I’ve got a bunch of things underway, including a sign for a laundromat, brickwork and finishing the windows. This is the sign in its unfinished state – the completed piece I shall show soon. I cut styrene at 45 degree angles to make the box, using smaller angled styrene for […]

by Craig on January 22, 2017, filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

Buildings and Windows

In effort to make some more leaps and bounds, as opposed to concentrating on details, I’ve begun constructing some buildings. I’m using foam board as the Skelton, upon which a brick plaster will be applied later. The foam board I’m using isn’t the best so I may end up replacing it all. Above is the […]

by Craig on January 15, 2017, filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

It’s all about the base

Designing a plinth base is immediately rewarding. It means you can see the physical size you’re working to, but it’s also a canvas to design your blueprint upon. This base measures 350 x 160mm and was built using a plywood base and wood moulding purchased at a local DIY store – its cheap but looks […]

by Craig on January 8, 2017, filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

Stairs to nowhere

When building a diorama there are few things as good as finding a kit that A) suits your needs to the sprue and B) it’s cheap. That’s exactly what I had with finding MiniArt’s “Metal Stair”: For those unfamiliar, MiniArt make a whole variety of different models ranging from singular objects like this to full […]

by Craig on , filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

How to make 1/35 radiators

Part of the diorama focuses around an open fire escape, in which a main character stands, so I know I have to build and populate part of a corridor that leads to said door. There will be two details, a fire extinguisher and a radiator. The latter of which I’m scratchbuilding. I built it with […]

by Craig on , filed: How to's, OUT OF HOURS (wip)

How to make 1/35 ducting

I’ve started on many details of “Closing Time” already, putting the cart somewhat before the horse. I say that because I’m still skirting around constructing the buildings for the alley itself. I’m still working out various plans of where things will go and how… so it’s fruitless building major components if things are only going […]

by Craig on January 5, 2017, filed: How to's, OUT OF HOURS (wip)

Back again

After almost two years of not posting a single word here on this blog I’m sure most people figured I was out-of-business. For a while, I guess I was. All my tools and materials were packed in the shed and life and it’s other interests took over. But now I’m back. I’m back with another […]

by Craig on December 27, 2016, filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)


As usual, it’s been a while since my last update. I am still here, percolating in the background. I’ve been thinking about my next project and I think I may have decided. It’s something urban. Don’t know much more than that, but that’s how these things always start… a simple idea. Then the passion and […]

by Craig on November 27, 2014, filed: OUT OF HOURS (wip)

“Who Goes There?”

As projected, today I finished “Who Goes There?” It has been a sweet little project, taking a few hours a day for 17 days. It’s been a real learning curve, as I intended to improve my figure painting skills. I mostly painted with the airbrush. Everything from clothing, skin, debris, road, terrain, barrels. In fact […]

by Craig on June 19, 2014, filed: WHO GOES THERE?

A few WIP photos

With the diorama complete, I thought I’d share a few pictures from its work in progress. I haven’t gone into much detail over its creation on the blog, but that’s mainly because there isn’t many new techniques I can share from what I already have from “I am two bullets”. This diorama was mainly an exercise […]

by Craig on June 18, 2014, filed: WHO GOES THERE?

Calm before the storm drain

Over the past few days I’ve been working away on the latest diorama. I’ve since titled it: “Who Goes There?” I’ve painted all three models and I’m happy with the results. I’ve some more details to paint and then it’ll be done! A little over the original 10 day schedule, but it’s been more pleasurable to […]

by Craig on , filed: WHO GOES THERE?


I was away at the weekend and yesterday I was too sad by the news of Rik Mayall’s passing to have made any progress. Today, however, I have. The groundwork was laid. The dirt was with the same method used on “I am two bullets”. I have mixed it up a little bit, as here […]

by Craig on June 10, 2014, filed: WHO GOES THERE?

I see you

More work on the still-untitled-tiny-diorama today. Mould lines and sanding mostly. Still hoping to have this done within 10 days, but something tells me I’ll draw it out a little longer than that. You know, because you have to savour these things… Set up a dry test as well and I’m really liking the positioning […]

by Craig on June 5, 2014, filed: WHO GOES THERE?

Start of something… tiny

In the wake of “I am two bullets” I’ve decided to jump back into the mix straight away and make another diorama. I’m due to start a new job in two weeks from today and I will need to get it done by then, unless I want to delay it to September. No thanks. With […]

by Craig on June 2, 2014, filed: WHO GOES THERE?


An incredible response over the past week since I posted “I am two bullets”. It’s a great feeling when someone takes the time to write a comment about something you’ve made. I appreciate it so much and I thank you all. On Cool Mini or Not, just this morning, it got a place on the “Top Last […]

by Craig on , filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

“I am two bullets”

After painting the details, filling the craters and fixing the figures… It’s done! This diorama started out as a small idea just over a month ago. It was intended to be a small project, aimed toward re-greasing my rusty bones (my line of work either permits me all the time in the world or none at […]

by Craig on May 25, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Little pig, little pig…

I’ll be the first to say that there is zero hype or, rather, justification enough to be posting a “teaser” for my diorama. It’s borderline pretentious, quite frankly. However — This evening, being close enough to the finish line, I was taking some sample snaps and, well, I couldn’t resist posting this ahead of the final results:

by Craig on May 21, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Ground control to Major Tom

Note: I’ve detailed this particular process with mistakes and all – an effort to help those considering similar products and applications. Therefore I highly recommend to read it all if you are to take any advice from it.  So, within the past few days the groundwork is nigh-on complete. Which has moved me onto the last couple of […]

by Craig on , filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Final title is…

Given a recent change to the diorama’s composition (eagle-eyed readers will spot this change from initial pictures to the final ones) I have retitled the piece to: “I am two bullets”    

by Craig on May 17, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Power of powders

Whilst I am in the midst of some resin nightmares (post coming soon) I have been working with weathering powders on bringing the groundwork to it’s fullest potential – and it’s finish. Between the time I created “Lost” and now, I have discovered that using weathering powders on groundwork is almost as important as painting it. […]

by Craig on May 16, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Coke can anyone? How about a dry test…

I woke up the other day and felt the need to make a coke can. Well, I already have a resin one in the diorama, but I felt I needed a crushed one too. So I set about making one and it only took about 20 minutes. Here is the unpainted result (sat on GW […]

by Craig on May 9, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

A sign of life

Today marked the start of painting the groundwork. After masking off the through-frame – which was very tricky, given the multiple grooves and curves, a decent covering of Graveyard Earth was painted over the terrain. Specific objects, like the jersey barrier, trench plates, sandbags, struts etc were avoided – no need to add a unnecessary layer […]

by Craig on May 6, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Show me some detail

Spent a lot more time last week superfining the diorama. Painting and modelling. Various items, including coke cans, grenades, a battery (torture methods or for jump starting a genny?), jerry cans, barb wire spools, guns, bullet casings and more… Here are two teasers, one of modelling: and one of painting: Also, the diorama groundwork was […]

by Craig on May 5, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS


Today, with the groundwork almost cut and dried, I started superfining the details. A process that is both very rewarding, time consuming and often frustrating. Until you remind yourself why you are doing what you’re doing. First up, a small spool was made on which to hold the barb wire (from a few weeks ago). […]

by Craig on May 2, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Groundwork Day

Over the past few days since the last post, I’ve been busy painting the Elysian guardsmen and waiting on some more(!) stuff in the post to start completing the groundwork. Nearly 99% arrived yesterday, so I made a start! First, Tetrion was mixed (trusty water-resistant filler powder + water + PVA glue) and then laced all […]

by Craig on May 1, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

A little detail won’t hurt

I’ve spent 90% of today (time spent making the diorama, rather than the day as a whole) adding detail. The other 10% has been painting. I’ve begun super-fining the details spread all over the diorama, like this Jersey Barrier from Ainsty Castings.I’ve cut it short and sanded it curved for it to line up against the […]

by Craig on April 23, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

A title

The diorama has a working title: “One Each”

by Craig on April 19, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Sandbags, placement and Dremels

For starters, I fixed my compressor! Huzzah! Damn the damp, but thanks to elbow grease and patience I didn’t have to pay a penny for any new parts. Today was productive, then. I received batch 1 of 2 of the models. Which is good, as everything is hinging on their placement to move the diorama’s […]

by Craig on April 17, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

Forwards and backwards…

Made good progress today with the diorama. Took a couple steps back too… My trusty compressor has given up the ghost. I think. Spent a hour or so taking it apart. Looks like I can source the part… if it is that bit. Sigh. Also got delivered the wrong models. Another few days wait – […]

by Craig on April 15, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS


A bag full of goodies from Salute – and what an event it is (first time)! I’ve dry tested a few bits and pieces and … it’s a no-go. Having to return a few key pieces and order up some other ones instead. Sigh. Here’s to more waiting! Thankfully I have Bob’s Burgers to keep […]

by Craig on April 12, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS


Rough cut both the foam core and the through frame this morning. A higher level of precision and detail of shaping will be achieved once I have all the supplies, figures included.

by Craig on April 11, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS

“Untitled” mini diorama

Here we go. To ease back into the diorama game I’ve conjured up an idea for a little mini diorama that’s currently still untitled. The general idea surrounds trench warfare in a future war. I bought the base from a charity shop, as actual trophy display bases are quite expensive. In fact, it’s actually part […]

by Craig on April 9, 2014, filed: I AM TWO BULLETS


To say I’m busy is an understatement. It’s 5:26AM on a Saturday morning and I’m at work still. Go figure. Whether I’m just delusional with fatigue, then, I don’t know, but I think I have been bitten by the bug again. “Recovery” may have just got recovered.

by Craig on September 28, 2013, filed: RECOVERY (wip)


Been finding all the time I can in-between work, writing and swimming to carry on with the diorama. Little by little it progresses each day. I’m always really excited to see the finished product, but success isn’t a destination. It’s a journey. And that’s the part I love the most, so I’m not rushing anything. […]

by Craig on April 19, 2012, filed: RECOVERY (wip)

Artillery Tractor

Progress has been made since returning with a bag full of goodies from Open Day. One of them is almost done.

by Craig on April 12, 2012, filed: RECOVERY (wip)


So, after just over a month of hiatus, I am winding the crank again on my second diorama: “Recovery”. I will change the title, I am sure. I attended the Forge World open day – the first type of event I have ever attended, actually. A great day out, packed with meeting some very talented […]

by Craig on April 4, 2012, filed: RECOVERY (wip)


Just received it. Now just waiting on a few other Death Korps pieces and I am good to go.

by Craig on February 28, 2012, filed: RECOVERY (wip)

Base Control

So I’ve been working a lot recently and not had a much time at all to work on the new diorama. I’ve ordered a bunch of new materials (eBay) and stock for the new piece (Forgeworld). I’m still waiting on Forgeworld. Shouldn’t be long. The new diorama, as you already know, is called “Recovery”. At […]

by Craig on February 21, 2012, filed: RECOVERY (wip)

Begin Again…

It’s been a bumpy ride these past 10 days since finishing “Lost”. Don’t get me wrong, the reaction to said diorama has been phenomenal… it’s just… well… I have to live up to that standard now in my next one. A challenge; nevertheless, one that I have accepted with open arms. So, to begin again… I […]

by Craig on February 11, 2012, filed: RECOVERY (wip)


Since posting up the final pictures of “Lost” last night I have received an overwhelming response. I am truly touched by the kind words of those that have taken the time to comment. As a newcomer, this is extremely encouraging – especially since I am already planning out my next diorama. As a lasting reminder and a […]

by Craig on February 3, 2012, filed: LOST


It’s finally finished and I’m very happy with the result. I have decided on a name for the piece: “Lost”. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, do let me know what you think. I’d love to hear from you. Please find previous entries detailing the making of this diorama. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge […]

by Craig on February 2, 2012, filed: LOST

The Pilot

After a long wait, I received the final parcel for the diorama in the mail this morning. I guess it’s only fitting that the integral or, rather, central, piece is the last to arrive. I have found that painting vehicles is more to my skill. I enjoyed painting the Pilot, but it seemed to come together too fast… I […]

by Craig on January 31, 2012, filed: LOST

So nearly finished

It’s been over a month since starting (let alone planning!) and I am almost done. To be fair, I have been working a lot (my day job) so I haven’t had a whole wealth of time to be working on the diorama. Nevertheless, I am so very close to the finish line now. I have […]

by Craig on January 27, 2012, filed: LOST

Johnson’s Klear

So, I never had the privilege of using the original Klear… well, not in the use of model making anyway, so this post may be a little… well… biased I guess. However, I just want to go on record and say that the new and improved formula works very well indeed! Despite it having a yellowy and […]

by Craig on January 25, 2012, filed: LOST

The Base: Part Two

I ordered some water resistent DIY wall filler, a brand “Tetrion” – amazing stuff, giving a smooth and creamy texture. I began mixing that with the brown acrylic paint I bought much earlier. This formed the base for the rest of the groundwork on the diorama. I spread this mixture all over the lower half […]

by Craig on January 23, 2012, filed: LOST

The Sentinel: Painting

The Sentinel is about… 85% done here. I used Model Masterclass Vol 1 extensively during the painting process as I am literally zero-percent experienced when it comes to painting – models as well as everything else! By this time I had taken the plunge and ordered myself an airbrush and compressor. I have the Sparmax […]

by Craig on January 19, 2012, filed: LOST

The Sentinel: Construction

To start, I spent about 4 hours – probably more – carefully scraping away all the mould lines from the casting process. This was a tedious process but I broke it down into small “shifts” and further passed the time by listening to Chris Morris’ Radio 1 show from waaaay back in the day. In […]

by Craig on January 13, 2012, filed: LOST

The Base: Part One

As can be seen in the previous post I failed to add the cheapo brown acrylic paint to the spackling mix. So, I had to paint on top of that. Which is perfectly doable… just not necessarily what I wanted to do because if some spackling chips off you’ll be showing off some rather white mixture underneath. […]

by Craig on January 9, 2012, filed: LOST

Fences and Barbed Wire

In the original sketches I had made no plans to add fences – I also only intended to add a small amount of curled barbed wire atop the bunker. That kind of all changed when I got to actually making the diorama. It became quickly apparent I would need something more… so I added some […]

by Craig on January 6, 2012, filed: LOST

Sandbags and Conduits

So, whilst I was waiting for the other materials to arrive I got started with some other stuff in the meantime. First, I took a trip to my local pound shop (or dollar store if you are reading from America). Once there I picked up a whole bunch of goodies that would prove to be […]

by Craig on January 4, 2012, filed: LOST

Tools and Materials

I thought I’d list the stuff (could be helpful) that I have bought, already owned or used to make this diorama a reality. So to speak. In no particular order: Without adding things like my table etc… that is about the extent of it. 🙂

by Craig on January 1, 2012, filed: LOST

A Diorama is Born

So, after some careful consideration (finances, time etc…) I finally sat down to begin planning my first ever diorama. It began with an image. I am a big fan of using Games Workshop and Forgeworld stuff because the quality of the plastic is excellent. The designs are intricate and, in regards to the Imperial Guard, […]

by Craig on December 29, 2011, filed: LOST


It’s been about three weeks, maybe four, since I re-discovered an urge. An urge to do something I gave up about 10 years ago. This time, though, I had purpose… it was to be more than just a hobby this time. I am making a 1/35 scale model bunker of the set in my science […]

by Craig on December 28, 2011, filed: LOST