With all of the blog posts detailing my journey into HO scale modeling lost forever, I’m using my current build to start again. This time making sensible backups as I go.
Each and every day I find new inspiration from George Sellio’s wonderful layout, the Franklin & South Manchester Railroad. I think many of us do. A couple weeks ago, however, I decided I’d take a small corner in that world and recreate it – albeit to the beat of my own drum.
One of my favourite little collections of buildings is the “Rocky Point Harbor”, which consists of the following buildings:
#1 FSM Metal Castings
#2 Cap’n Franks Seafood Cafe
#3 Swee’Pea Bar & Grill /w Rooming House
#4 Saulena’s Tavern
#5 Izzy Fishing Co
#6 Emporium Seafood Co
#7 Small Office Building

Buildings #1, #4, #6 & #7 are kits. I will be heavily modding some of them (Saulena’s Tavern from Bar Mills is only half the building as seen on the F&SM). The rest will be scratch built.
I’m starting with building #2: Cap’n Franks Seafood Cafe. Here’s the back on George’s layout:

One thing that struck me about this building, after staring at it for hours, is that is very closely resembles Bailey’s Produce Co – a kit that George made under his Fine Scale Miniatures company. So I pulled my yet-built kit off the shelf and copied the walls, building them out of 1/16″ basswood bought from Ace Hardware.
I’m copying the Bailey kit building to a degree, with the main difference being the omission of the small add-on structure and loading dock on the side. My building will be ground level (Bailey’s has steps up to its front entrance) and feature a store front that I have 3D designed and printed:

I am also designing other details, such as dust collectors, ducting, pipes etc. All of which are based on designs found through the FSM range.

These were all designed using Tinkercad. An easy, free online tool that works by an adding/subtraction of shapes method to create custom designs. I’m printing using a cheap ($169) but very excellent 3D printer — the Anycubic Photon.
Back to the build, I followed the instructions for the Bailey’s kit, scratchbuilding all the pieces along the way and, after incorporating some features and ignoring others, I arrived here:

Next, I started with the hoist roof and dormer on the other side. I added some lead flashing to the peak. I’m not sure this is historically accurate (or even code!) but I’m never shooting for that anyway, especially with an FSM tribute!!

Using .070 acetate from Hobby Lobby, I got all the windows put in. I used manilla folders aged with pastel chalks for the blinds. It’s photos like this that show I need to take more care with my shingles. I hate that I have gaps in the rows, exposing the strips… oh well, lessons learned.

Corrugated metal panels were cut to size and aged. I gave them all a black wash first, then used a combination of brown paints (Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber) to rust each panel. I also used a Rust solution I’ve had for some years to simulate the fresh rust. Finally, each panel had some pastel chalk to cut the shine:

Roofing, rafter tails, front sheds, windows & blinds, lead flashing, black pitch, 3D printed parts, signs… you name it were up next.
I’m particularly happy with the way the dust collector came out – a 3D design. I designed it knowing I’d be using 2.5mm wire for the collector arm’s, extending down into the building. It fit together nicely and looked even better after the paint job. Standard Americana paint was used for the rust, along with some pastel chalks.

I also 3D designed and printed a store interior. This is a dangerous precedent to set, but it was more a simple experiment than anything else. It was plainly painted as I know it’ll likely never be seen.

The below photos is where the building is currently at now, I’d say about 90% done. I’ve still got some fine details to add – chimneys etc. I also have to finish the stucco corners. For the signs, they were printed on standard laser paper. Each sanded (on the back) using 200 grit sandpaper, allowing them to thin out and form the the stucco more realistically. Care was needed here.

Up next, Swee’Peas Bar & Grill!