Spent a lot more time last week superfining the diorama. Painting and modelling. Various items, including coke cans, grenades, a battery (torture methods or for jump starting a genny?), jerry cans, barb wire spools, guns, bullet casings and more…
Here are two teasers, one of modelling:
and one of painting:
Also, the diorama groundwork was complete and undercoated in black. The structural support was masked as this piece had been pre-painted due to the restrictions of access. I am almost through with painting all the additional details, so as soon as I am painting will begin on the diorama groundwork. 50% of the models (2 out of 4) are also complete. Bringing the whole process to around… 75% done.
QUICK TIP: This is probably nothing new, but a neat little tip all the same. I cut an old sock up that I drape over my thigh when I’m painting. It makes for a great way to dry paint brushes quickly and because you pull the brush over your thigh, it helps preserve the tip:More soon.